Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Most Anticipated Games of 2014

I figured that I would give a little rundown of what I am most excited to play this year. Firstly I am really excited to see what else the PS4 has coming out this year. As far as big things go we really only know about inFamous: Second Son coming out and then The Order 1886 in the fall, plus multi-platform games like Watch Dogs and Destiny. I have a feeling that at E3 they will show off some actual gameplay for Uncharted and maybe we will finally see what Sony Santa Monica has been working on.

As for Nintendo, well really there's Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze coming out next month, followed by Mario Kart 8 more than likely in April, and Super Smash Bros in September I would guess. As for the others, well Bayonetta 2 will also be a summer release I am guessing, and I am hoping that X ends up coming out next fall but who knows right now. Here are the games that I am most excited for this year.

Bravely Default - 3DS

I have been putting a bit of time into this demo and I am hooked, and apparently the game is much better than the demo is. If that is the case, then I am sold. I love classic JRPGs and as this is for all intents and purposes a new Final Fantasy game,  then Square have completely sold me. A month to go till this is in my hands. 

inFamous: Second Son - PS4

I love the inFamous games on the PS3 and this is one of the main reasons that I wanted to get a PS4 at launch. I also love Seattle so the fact that I get to adventure as Delsin in a reinterpretation of one of my most favourite cities also has me extremely excited. This game looks gorgeous just from the videos that I have seen and apparently in person it's even better. End of March is too far away.

Mario Kart 8 - Wii U

There's something so satisfying about getting together with some friends and playing some Mario Kart, and this looks to add to the games long legacy. I remember playing Mario Kart on my SNES with a ton of friends for my birthday 20 years ago and it was a total blast, and really that is what Nintendo does best. Create great gaming experiences with friends and family in your own house, and that is why I can't wait to play this one.

The Order: 1886 - PS4

When I saw the first trailer for this game, I thought that it could be kind of cool. Looks to be Sony's own squad-based shooter, kind of similar to Gears of War (that's what I think based on the number of people in the party, I could be wrong though). I didn't think that it could really look as sweet as the first trailer showed, but then more screenshots and videos keep popping up. Ready at Dawn have made some sweet games so gameplay wise I am hoping this holds up, but if it is as good as these videos show it, this will be a great game this fall.

X - Wii U

I can't count how many times I go back and watch the X trailer, it's honestly pretty excessive. I tried a bit of Xenoblade Chronicles (can't afford to buy, it's too pricy) and really enjoyed it. This game looks to blow that out of the water and looks to be one of the best looking games on the Wii U and hopefully will show that the system is no slouch. I have no idea when this will come out but I am hoping that it's sooner than later.

Those are a few of the games I am excited for, anyone else?

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