Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Destiny repost from Reddit about missing content

I just saw this and after reading that the original post had been deleted, thought I would copy and save on here. Some interesting stuff about why Destiny is lacking in what was originally promised to the audience. I really like the game, but the story is so weak, thus this is pretty interesting. Original post is as follows:

"This thread is a collection of posts and my thoughts that show how Destiny's development changed DRASTICALLY within its last year.
It is the reason why the story is lacking, the missions are repetitive, and why there are grimoire cards. A lot of shady stuff went down during the end of 2013 and beginning of 2014.
Anyway, let's start off with what the Story was supposed to be like:
STORY: This reddit post from a deleted thread Here explains how Destiny's story was originally during E3 2013. user Diver2441 sums up all of this here:
(Key parts are BOLDED for the lazy)
So recently a Reddit thread came to light detailing what Destiny's narrative looked like in 2013, and it's very different from the ailing excuse for a story we're presented with today: the Traveler bringing the darkness, Crow, different progression through planets and even considerable cut areas. So it becomes apparent that between mid to late 2013 and launch, Bungie gutted the story. Now this is where it gets good, something else happened back in late 2013 before the story was gutted; Joe Staten, Bungie's former lead writer left. Some may think it coincidence, but I think not.
Now the Reddit thread (which has mysteriously disappeared) outlined a story sprawling across a considerably larger solar system, and including a number of characters and factions who never so much as appear in the full game. The prime example of this is Crow, the character/faction who was set out to expose the Traveler and Speaker for in fact bringing the darkness along with the Traveler, and not the Golden Age. A specific reference to Crow can be found in the above video at 1:01, where a mission would have you assist Crow in looting the Archive on venus for details on the Vex Gatelord (which is in fact a mission we end up doing in the main game, but Crow is clearly not a part of it). The Gatelord was said to contain a way to access a pre-Collapse AI construct who had the ability to expose the Traveler, and we can see this in the form of the inaccessible Bunker RAS2.
Even in the PvP, we see a reference to "faction wars" at 1:20 in the video, so it appears that justification and explanation for the different factions in the tower was cut as well.
Destiny's current half assed story starts to make a little more sense when we apply the context that the entire narrative was gutted less than a year before launch, and remade without Bungie's lead writer. Why Joe left, and why Bungie felt the need to completely gut the story of the game and cut huge areas is beyond me, but it's abundantly obvious that there's a lot more going on than meets the eye.
WHAT THE STORY WAS RE-WRITTEN INTO: Grimoire Cards. I'm currently trying to find the post where I discovered this Check Edit2 for Source, but basically back in February 2014, a man was hired to write all the Grimoire Cards. This was clearly the solution to trying to incorporate as much story as possible with what little story was actually in the game. This also is most likely the reason why there is no Grimoire UI in-game, because it was far too close to release to actually incorporate such a thing.
Continuing from Diver2441's post, he mentions:
If we look at an article from 2013 and the reveal ViDoc, it becomes very obvious that the game we have today is vastly different from what it was as little as around a year ago. For starters there are references to areas such as Old Chicago, the ghost fleet in the rings of Saturn, Charlemagne's Vault, and others that very clearly never made it into the full game, despite being fully made and playable around a year ago. Additionally, at 3:24 in the video above, we see an in game location in The Reef, and from 3:43 - 3:51 we see a pine forested area in game that never saw the light of day as well. Even in our own back yard of Old Russia in the retail games, we have locked off areas such as King's Watch, the Jovian Complex, and the Seraphim Vault, none of which are even mentioned in the retail game today.
This video shows that the majority of the first two expansions of DLC is potentially already on the disc! Even in the beta, areas such as the King's Watch and Seripham Vault were accessible through glitches and yet are not available in the full game (Actually, these places aren't even mentioned in the DLC either!) More proof about these areas can be shown through the data dumps at
I want to note here that this doesn't mean the content is actually finished, but the idea that it could be is annoying and makes sense given the amount of content that had already been cut.
ANOTHER COINCIDENCE: Along with Bungie's Lead Writer departing for unknown reasons, we can't forget about Marty O'Donnell being fired too. We're all aware that the situation had to do with salary, but when Marty left, there was a clear bitterness between him and Bungie. Bungie had changed, and the lead writer had recognized it too. Was it Activision? Probably. But we're not being told the full story and I don't expect us to find out unfortunately.
WHAT BUNGIE SHOULD DO: There are a variety of options Bungie can do to fix these problems.
  1. GIVE US THE HELD-BACK CONTENT FOR FREE: Unfortunately, this isn't very likely given Activision's greed and contracts already settled in to sell this content later. Some could also argue that it's a good thing this content is being held-back so that the game will stay alive for much longer, although I personally disagree given the lack of content available at launch.
  2. GIVE US JUST THE STORY MISSIONS FOR FREE: This is a bit more reasonable and would solve the overall complaint with Destiny. We know there is a story being held back greatly, and we should not let them sell this to us as DLC.
  3. GIVE US A SCHEDULE AND COMMUNICATE BETTER: This is my final plea to Bungie. The game is already out; we don't need to be left in the dark anymore. They need to tell us when content is being released and what we can expect so that we can voice our opinions better and prevent them from making more mistakes.
THOUGHTS? I know this thread is extremely long in details, but I think it needs to be seen. The Destiny today is not the Destiny we were promised or the one Bungie had even imagined. Locations, ship customization, a real story, and other deleted content were all things planned/created before last year and are all gone now. Something must be done.
(I will continue to edit this post as more info comes along).
EDIT1: Source to Diver2441's post:
EDIT2: More details about the Grimoire cards and the fact that all of this "cutting out content" was very recent.
Posted by Reddit user /u/mrdabu:
...Moreover, basic game elements were removed - in the developer commentary for the gameplay reveal the bungie developer (Mike Zak, environment artist) says that the hunter could have gained his weapons and armor through trade with other players or a kind of gambling (8:12). this is not implemented in the release version. The video was released on july 8, 2013 on youtube. So the decision to cut these features out was made in the last year of a more than 5 year development period which is very uncommon.
Perhaps the story is so lame and such a mystery because of all the changes during the last year.
Then he talks about the grimoire cards which contain the story. in the forum of a guy called general battuta says that the grimoire story was „mostly written and edited in one crazy spiny very close to launch“. (sept 14, 2014) On feb 13, 2014, he posted a thread in which he shared his excitement of being hired as a writer for bungie in seattle. this was 7 months before release.
EDIT3: Reddit user /u/PopeOwned gives a little bit more info about Bungie's Lead Writer, Joe Staten, leaving:
EDIT4: Further proof that the story claimed by the reddit poster is TRUE: (Thanks /u/martellus!)
EDIT5: I want to note that the demands listed are just things Bungie COULD do to fix all of this turmoil. I am not saying that we deserve anything from them, although it would be in their favor to at least communicate better with us on Destiny's future."

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

An Open Letter to Bungie

Dear Bungie,

I have been playing games for about two and a half decades, ever since our family got our first computer, a Commodore 64. I have put more hours than I can probably count into games and it's my favourite medium in regards to entertainment, enjoyment and engagement in storytelling. It's how games tell stories that really makes me love them more than almost anything else. I love a good RPG and really anything that has a solid story behind it. Generally I have no interest in shooters, CoD has ruined that for me probably. The stories always seem kind of tacked on and it's merely there to prep you for playing online. Not a lot of interest for this guy.

Then came something called Destiny.

Truth be told I only ever beat one of your Halo games, and that was Reach as I took it out of the library and plowed through the campaign in a few days. However, I loved the story, the characters, and the tragedy that was unfolding around me. Master Chief has always seemed too distant and I could never relate to him. However, this squad made me care about them and what was going to happen to them. That was when I really started to care about the games you guys make.

Back to Destiny.

I remember first hearing about it as the new IP that you were working on, and as more details started to surface I thought it looked pretty cool. I was down with the shoot and loot style of gameplay that has made Borderlands so popular, and the idea of MMO influences in a semi-open world shooter seemed pretty great. But once I started to read about the worlds, about the Traveller and the tragedy surrounding humanity I wanted to know more.

Then I played the Alpha, and Beta.

I was hooked.

I had so much fun playing with my family and friends, the game even convinced my one brother who had an Xbox One to sell it and get a PS4 to play with the rest of us. We even have a clan all set up for next week. This all comes down to right now, the game is a mere week away and I am so incredibly excited. I play a lot of games and get excited for some, but I have not been this excited since anticipating the end of Commander Shepard's journey in Mass Effect 3.

I'm excited to see the worlds, to explore other maps, to join up with my family members, friends and even new friends I have made in the burgeoning Destiny online community. I want to take on new Strikes, I want to get new gear, and most of all I want to take on the first Raid and see how me and my crew fare.

I love games, but this anticipation has grown greater than most other games that I have looked forward too. I highly doubt that this will let us down and I just wanted to say ahead of time thanks for the memories. I look forward to them.


PS4 Guardian- Virtute1979