Saturday, July 5, 2014

What I've Been Up To

So I haven't written in here in almost a month it seems. School got crazy, life got crazy, however I've still fit some time in for some gaming. Primarily, the biggest standout would have to be playing the Destiny Alpha. Me and my brothers got some quality time in, adventuring and doing Strikes, and let me tell you, that game is awesome. I can't remember the last time I had that much fun with a shooter and I'm anxiously anticipating the release of the beta here in a couple of weeks.

Well, and the full release in September.

Yes, it's that good.

I've also gotten quite a bit of time in with Mario Kart 8, and while I am not the best kart racer in the world, I still have a lot of fun. My son loves Mario and anything with Mario in it, but his favourite character is easily Bowser. Any time I am playing now I pretty much have to choose Bowser, but I'm ok with that. I also have played a bit of Pikmin 3 which has been a fun title as well, and I'm glad that I'm finally getting around to playing it. There's still even more gaming to get to but with my semester quickly ramping up I'm not sure how much I will play but soon I'll have a ton of free time.

Time to hit up that backlog that has been building up.