September has come and gone and with it there were some pretty significant releases. Bungie released Destiny: the Taken King which essentially gave the game an overhaul and made a ton of great changes, and added an all new raid, new strikes, new PVP maps and new subclasses. Now that it's October there are even more AAA releases on their way and some that are pretty interesting.
The Uncharted Collection is coming out right away, and based on some hands on time with the demo it looks like they've really given the games just the right amount of polish. It seems like they will be quality games to dig into and prep for Uncharted 4 with, however I know I will hold off for a little while on the collection. Speaking of big franchises, both the new Assassin's Creed and Halo 5 are coming out this month. Honestly, I've heard a few people talking about Halo 5 and how excited they are but for the most part it seems like there is not a lot of fanfare for the release, and even less for the new Assassin's Creed.
Probably the release I am most excited for is Star Wars Battlefront. The beta launches in a few days and I'm excited to get some time in with the game, to see how it plays and looks, although so far it looks pretty phenomenal. Star Wars hype is building and I'm pretty sure that this will pay off for EA. I personally love the Battlefront games and am excited to have the series back.
What about Nintendo though? Well they have quite a few 3DS games on the way. Recently Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer came out, which isn't my cup of tea, decorating homes only, but i'm sure there is a market for it. Sadly the new Star Fox has been pushed back into the new year, to January, but i'm going to assume that it may get pushed back further. So for Christmas that leaves the Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Party game, and Mario Tennis, which don't really seem like system sellers, but i'm sure that Nintendo will push Mario Maker for Christmas. The game i'm most excited about is Xenoblade Chronicles X, which is out in December. Ready to put a solid 100 hours into exploring that title.
That's what i'm looking forward to, what about you all?